Dave Chappelle & Joe Rogan

*negative COVID-19 test or vaccination card required for entry*

Oct 24

Dave Chappelle & Joe Rogan

*negative COVID-19 test or vaccination card required for entry*

Oct 24
Oct 24, 2021
Dave Chappelle & Joe Rogan
*negative COVID-19 test or vaccination card required for entry*
Oct 24


Event Info

Cell Phone Policy


This show is mobile entry only and is a No Cell Phone Zone! No cellphones, cameras or recording devices will be allowed at this show. Upon arrival, all phones and smart watches will be secured in Yondr pouches that will be unlocked at the end of the show. Guests maintain possession of their devices throughout the night, and if needed, may access during the show at designated Yondr unlocking stations in the arena. Anyone caught with a cellphone in the venue will be immediately ejected. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a phone-free viewing experience.

Bag Policy


APPROVED BAGS: Medical bags, parenting bags and CLEAR 12" x 12" bags will be permitted following X-Ray screening. Backpacks of any kind are NOT permitted.

Guests attending events with approved bags will experience delayed entry times, for expedited entry please leave bags at home.